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Defense ministry wins first place in &Award for its ‘70-year wait’ advertisement on the excavation of war remains

Ministry won three awards in Seoul Creative Festival

“We will create momentum for communication with the people through creative planning”

Defense ministry wins first place in &Award for it


On January 18, the Ministry of National Defense announced that its ‘70-year wait’ advertisement about the excavation of war remains in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) had won three awards in Seoul Creative Festival, and the first place at &Award.


The Seoul Creative Festival, held on January 6, is the nation’s largest advertising festival. The fact that it is based on a public vote enhances its significance. In this festival, in which the awards were determined by a total of 260,000 votes, the ministry won the ‘Finalist Award’ in three sectors: digital video, branded contents, and public campaigns.


The &Award is a digital media advertising festival, which marked its 15th anniversary this year, having launched in 2007. The ministry won the ‘Grand Prix,’ first place in the government, local government, and public sectors. The ministry also earned the glory of the Science and ICT Minister’s Award by winning first place after the final competition with 33 private advertisements which won the Grand Prix.


“It is significant that the ministry won the prize after fierce competition with advertisements produced by large advertising agencies. We will continue to create momentum for communication with the people by designing creative advertisements,” a ministry spokesperson said.

By Chul-Hwan, Kim < >

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