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10th anniversary of Seoul Defense Dialogue

10th anniversary of Seoul Defense Dialogue

The SDD will be held online between September 8 and 10, and will be broadcast live on Youtube

To deliver video messages from the top representative for foreign affairs and security policy for the EU (congratulatory message) and the United Kingdom’s foreign affairs minister (keynote address)

During the dialogue, participants will discuss ways to strengthen international security cooperation under the theme ‘Borderless security crisis and multilateral response’

The Ministry of National Defense will hold the 「Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD)
2021」, which is marking its tenth anniversary, at Hotel Grand Hyatt in Seoul from Wednesday, September 8 to Friday, September 10.

Launched by the Republic of Korea (ROK) government in 2012, the SDD is a multilateral security dialogue among vice ministers of defense for peace on the Korean Peninsula and security cooperation in the Asia and Pacific region. This year marks its tenth anniversary.

For the past ten years, the SDD has served as a forum for Track 1.5 Dialogue in which defense officials and civilians from countries around the world gather and discuss in detail ways to strengthen international security cooperation, and has become firmly established as a multilateral cooperative platform in the area of defense.

With the increased participation of officials from the European region and other international organizations, as well as the Asia and Pacific region, confirming the validity of its mission, the SDD has promoted a balanced discussion on global pending issues.

This year’s SDD will involve a broad discussion on global security issues, such as security in Asia and the Pacific, novel infectious diseases, cyber threats, and space security threats, including the Korean Peninsula issue that has been in the spotlight for the international community, under the theme ‘Borderless security crisis and multilateral response.’


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)