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'Korea-U.S. alliance stronger than ever'
Korea-U.S. combined forces Commander Scaparrotti gave a lecture at the Far East Forum
… “Let’s go together!”
On May 19, Commander, Korea-U.S. combined forces command, Curtis Scaparrotti, said the alliance between Korea and the U.S. is stronger than ever and steady refinement is necessary for development of the alliance, quoting a proverb “If you don’t walk today, you’ll have to run tomorrow.”
He gave a lecture on the Korea-U.S. alliance to face the changing threat from North Korea at the 37th Far East Forum held at The Westin Chosun Hotel, Seoul, in the morning.
Based on the subject of “Korea-U.S. alliance moving forward together”, he pointed out that the changing threat from North Korea is making Korea risk its prosperity. He also sent a warning message, saying that North Korea has been developing asymmetric warfare capabilities such as its current development of Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBM), and their threaten level is evolving with massive conventional fighting forces led by a young, inexperienced leader.
The commander suggested the four top priorities to deter and destroy existing and changing North Korean threats: enhancement of the alliance, a standstill ceasefire agreement, revolution of the alliance, and maintenance of war potential and strengthening union power among the United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command and U.S. forces, Korea.
He stressed on the necessity of constant change and ability for improvement, catching up with changing security environment and situation. He finished the lecture saying, “Let’s go together!”

By Sang-Yun, Kim < >
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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)