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Salary for corporals increased from 178,000 won to 195,000 won

Salary for corporals increased from 178,000 won to 195,000 won

Next year the salary for soldiers is increasing by 9.6% than this year. As well, air conditioning will be installed at all military barracks and mobilization training camps. The MND delivered this news while it introduced the changes in national defense tasks on December 28.

The MND announced that it would be increasing the salary for soldiers next year to double the level in 2012. Accordingly, the salary for a corporal will be increased from 178,000 won to 195,000 won next year. As well, to improve living conditions for soldiers in summer, the MND is planning to increase the installation rate of air conditioners at military units, from 45% of units to 100% by the first half of the year. In addition, various other improvements in personnel and welfare systems are planned, including improvements in clothes supply, the establishment of new professional medics, expanded opportunities for child-care leave for professional soldiers, chances for job-change education for mid-career servicemen (5-10 years), and more.

The reserves system has been also re-organized. Mobilization designation of 5 to 6-year reserve forces will not be conducted, but compensation for reserves suspension is being increased. The military affairs system is also changing including through a new examination for latent tuberculosis during the military service test, unification of the system for applying to the military for active duty soldiers, discontinuance of supporting document presentation for additional points for recruiting applicants, etc. In addition, defense businesses are going to change including through the introduction of a military supplies trade agency business registration system and brokerage fee reporting system, the enhanced imposition of additional charges on excessive profits, the improvement of the defense cost profit system for small businesses, and more.

By Su-Yeol, Maeng < >
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