Defense Policy

Defense Reform

Preparing for the warfare of the future with an elite and advanced military
The MND has been pursuing defense reform to build the future-oriented self-defense capabilities, reflecting the changes in the domestic/foreign security environment and the development of new defense technologies.

Evolving towards a stronger, greater military


  • Build an innovative, creative, 'elite and advanced strong force,'
    capable of responding to the North Korean threat, with the defense capabilities required to prepare for unification.

Military Structure Reform

  • To transform into a structure that is capable of executing integrated, offensive operations in an informatized, high-tech network-focused environment suitable for future warfare.
  • Command StructureEnhance the command and execution capability of Joint and Combined operations.
  • Manpower StructureReform into an elite force structure, in connection with the downsizing the number of available manpower.[Ref 1]
  • Organization StructureReform into a unit structure that is capable of executing integrated offensive operations based on NCOE.[Ref 2]
  • Force StructureEnhance cutting edge capabilities in response to existing and potential threats.
  • [Ref 1] Current Status of Standing Manpower (Unit : Thousand persons)
    Current Status of Standing Manpower
    Classification Total Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force
    2005 681 548 41 27 65
    2014 630 495 41 29 65
    2022(Target Year)) 522 387 41 29 65
    Ref(Gap bet. 2014) -108 -108  
  • [Ref 2] Downsizing the number of units (Unit : No. of units)
    Downsizing the number of units
    Classification 2014
    Army Field Army Level 3
    Corps Leve 8
    Division Level 42
    Brigade Lavel 23
    Navy Fleet Command Level 3
    Flotilla / Defense Command 6
    Marine Corps Division 2
    Air Force Combat Command 2
    Fighter Wing 9
    Downsizing the number of units
    Target Year Increase / Decrease
    2 -1
    6 -2
    31 -11
    16 -7
    4 +1
    5 -1
    2 0
    2 0
    9 0

Defense Management Reform

Defense Management Reform