News Zone

Press Release

Defense Ministry and Ministry of Environment cooperate to promote environmental education in military units

The Defense Ministry and the Minister of Environment will conduct environmental training for military officers in charge of the environment to convey specialist knowledge on the environment and increase eco-literacy.


The training will take place from July 9 to 12 for the Navy and the Marines, from July 15 to 18 for units under the control of the Defense Ministry (institutions), from September 24 to 27 for the Air Force and from October 28 to 31 for the Army. Each session will be held at the Korea DMZ Peace-Life Valley for four days (31 hours).


Last year’s environmental training was conducted for 31 Army officers and this year’s training will be expanded to a total of 100 officers from the Air Force, Navy, Marines and units under the control of Defense Ministry (institutions).


The training consists of the basic knowledge required to run an eco-friendly unit and cases and methods of dealing with environmental pollution in the various branches of the military, environmental legislation relating to the military and a visit to a wastewater treatment plant to provide trainees with practical assistance with environmental tasks in the military.


Lee In-gu, military facilities planning officer at the Defense Ministry, said: “The Defense Ministry will work closely with the Ministry of Environment so that environmental training in units can proceed in a substantive way.”


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)