Defense Policy

Implementation Strategy

Defense Innovation 4.0

“Defense Innovation 4.0” will be implemented as the following;

Choice and Focus Pursue projects with focuses on core areas that need advanced S&T and essential changes
Communization and Empathy Build sentiment of consensus internally and externally through extensive communication
Realization and Sensing Implement developmental changes that are realizable and palpable through legal, institutional and budgetary support
  • Short-term (5 within years, until 2027)
  • Mid-term (10 within years, until 2032)
  • Long-term (until 2040)
Establish and implement realistic plans by time frames listed above

Defense Innovation 4.0 pursues advanced S&T-based innovation under the solid understanding that it is implemented around “humans.”
The Ministry of National Defense will upgrade the service conditions of soldiers commensurate with the national status along with Defense Innovation 4.0, and foster a military culture in line with the changed environment.