News Zone

Press Release

The Defense Minister checks the military readiness of the Air Force Operations Command and the Ground Operations Command

Defense Minister Kim Yong Hyun visited the Air Force Operations Command and Ground Operations Command on Friday, October 4, to inspect military readiness and encourage soldiers.


Minister Kim Yong Hyun was briefed on the status of operations and said, “Our military must be dedicated to its role and mission to defend the nation, preserve liberal democracy, and protect the lives and property of the people. What our military should fear is not the enemy, but a failure to protect the safety of people due to an inadequate response to enemy provocations.” He emphasized training as though in a real battle, mastering combat weapons as though they are part of the body, and cultivating warriors full of hostility. He also urged units to foster an anti-enemy mindset so that they never lose a battle.”


In particular, he instructed that if provoked, an overwhelming response should be executed to destroy the original point of provocation, and said that supportive and commanding units must maintain a firm readiness posture of ‘No mercy to the enemy.’


He also stressed, “If North Korea attempts to use nuclear weapons, we must neutralize its nuclear weapon delivery system and terminate the North Korean regime.”


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)