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Press Release

Ministry of National Defense holds 8th ceremony to repatriate th...

Ministry of National Defense holds 8th ceremony to repatriate the remains of Chinese troops

- Despite the COVID-19 situation, ministry holds repatriation ceremony for humanitarian reasons

ㅇ On Thursday morning, September 2, at 10 A.M., the Ministry of National Defense held the 8th ceremony to repatriate the remains of Chinese troops at Incheon International Airport, with representatives from both countries in attendance, including Vice Minister Park Jae-min and China’s Vice Minister of Veterans Affairs Chang Zheong Gwo(常正國).

ㅇ The two countries have held a yearly ceremony to repatriate the 「remains of Chinese troops」 based on a shared respect for international laws and a humanitarian spirit. The Republic of Korea has returned a total of 716 sets of remains of Chinese troops, seven times from 2014 to 2020.

ㅇ In the Thursday repatriation ceremony, the ministry returned to China 109 sets of remains of Chinese troops (including 98 sets of remains excavated from Arrowhead Ridge), and 1,194 articles belonging to the fallen troops, which were excavated by Korean troops between 2019 and 2020.


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)