News Zone

Press Release

Gen. Won, Chairman of ROK JCS, meets with the Commander of U.S. ...

Gen. Won, Chairman of ROK JCS, meets with the Commander of U.S. INDOPACOM

ㅇ Gen. Won met with Adm. John C. Aquilino in the morning of June 3, and discussed about the security trend on the Korean Peninsula and measures to enhance mutual cooperation.

ㅇ Adm. Aquilino reiterated that the ROK-U.S. Alliance is the linchpin of regional peace and prosperity and that he will continue to closely cooperate to develop a even more steadfast ROK-U.S. Alliance in a future-oriented manner.

ㅇ Gen. Won highlighted the importance of retaining a steadfast ROK-U.S. Alliance and robust combined defense posture.

ㅇ Gen. Won and Adm. Aquilino agreed to provide military support to the diplomatic efforts of the two governments for complete denuclearization and the settlement of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula.

ㅇ Adm. Aquilino’s visit to Korea was made with the intention to strengthen the ties with major allies in the Indo-Pacific region through his first international trip after his inauguration on the 30th of April.  //END//