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Press Release

Outcomes of the nineteenth meeting of Korea-US Integrated Defens...

Outcomes of the nineteenth meeting of Korea-US Integrated Defense Dialogue (KIDD)

The defense ministries of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the United States (US) held the 19th meeting of the Korea-US Integrated Defense Dialogue (KIDD) in Washington D.C. from May 12 to May 13, 2021.

During the meeting, the two sides reaffirmed the common goal of the complete denuclearization of and the establishment of a permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula, and agreed to maintain the ROK-US combined forces readiness posture to defend the ROK.

Focusing on the considerable progress in the transition of the wartime operational control (OPCON) to the future Combined Forces Command, the two sides reaffirmed that they will continue to maintain the condition-based OPCON transition plan (COTP).

The two sides reaffirmed their shared conviction that the ROK-US alliance serves as a linchpin of peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and in North East Asia. They also confirmed their commitment to the maintenance of the rules-based international order, and cooperation on the US’s India-Pacific strategies and the ROK’s New Southern Policy.    

Sharing the assessment of North Korea's recent nuclear and missile threats, the two sides agreed to continue to closely cooperate by paying sharp attention to the trend in North Korea.

The two sides shared the assessment that the 19th meeting of KIDD had contributed to the achievement of a number of outcomes, including ▴ reaffirmation of close ties between the allies, ▴ improvement of bilateral cooperation for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and ▴ strengthening of the ROK-US combined defense posture.


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)