News Zone

Press Release

Military excavates 28 sets of remains and 9,859 articles left by...

Military excavates 28 sets of remains and 9,859 articles left by the fallen after the resumption of the DMZ remains excavation project (April 5, 2021)

Resuming the inter-Korean joint excavation project, the Ministry of National Defense has been carrying out the excavation of remains at the South side of the Arrowhead Hill area since April 5.

A total of 28 sets of remains and 9,859 articles belonging to the fallen have been found in Arrowhead and White Horse Hills since April 5 this year.

A total of 26 sets of remains were excavated at Arrowhead Hill. Also excavated were 9,663 articles believed to have been left by the fallen, including personal articles such as flashlights and bulletproof jackets, and ammunition and combat gear which had been used during the Korean War.

The on-site investigation made it clear that two sets of remains, which had been excavated in the White Horse Hill area, are presumed to be of Korean troops, and the MND Agency for KIA Recovery and Identification are doing forensic examination on the remains.

Citing that the remains were discovered in the middle of preparing the remains excavation project, a spokesperson for the ministry said that the military expects many sets of remains to be recovered after the project begins again in the second half of the year.


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)