News Zone

Press Release

Military to begin COVID-19 vaccination of military personnel

- Military takes first step towards returning to its daily life and missions

□ The COVID-19 vaccination of military personnel will begin on Wednesday, May 3.
   ◦ Starting with the vaccination of medical staff at the Korean Armed Forces Yangju Hospital on Wednesday, March 3, the COVID-19

     vaccination will be conducted on workers at 16 Korean armed forces hospitals across the nation.

□ Approximately 2,400 health care workers, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and medical technicians who work for the armed forces

hospital, will become the first recipient group.

□ The Ministry of National Defense has systematically prepared for safe vaccinations by establishing an independent vaccination plan for

each armed forces hospital (Feb. 5), holding an expert advisory council (Feb. 16), upgrading the military vaccination system ,Feb. 19,

completing an education for vaccination personnel, Feb. 26, and conducting

a mock drill depending on hospital schedule.

□ “Regarding our quarantine efforts, which some may expect we will ease off due to vaccination, we will stay on our toes,” Minister Suh said,

stressing “We will make every effort to successfully complete the COVID-19 vaccination in the military.”


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)