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Ministry of National Defense listens to the voices of the people to seek a way forward for the development of national defense.....

Ministry of National Defense listens to the voices of the people to seek a way forward for the development of national defense policies

Ministry of National Defense listens to the voices

A public communications experts group from the Ministry of National Defense, composed of experts from various fields, contributes to building public understanding of national defense policies

On May 26, Vice Minister of National Defense Park Jae-min gives his greetings at a meeting of the public communications experts group, held at the Army Hall in Yongsan, Seoul. Reported by Han Jae-ho

The Ministry of National Defense (MND) met with experts from a number of different fields to seek a way to develop national defense policies with regard to the changing role of the military in the community in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, while listening to the voice of the people. Presided over by Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo, the meeting of the public communications experts group was held at the Army Hall in Yongsan, Seoul, on May 26.

Marking its fifth anniversary this year, the public communications experts group is composed of experts from a wide range of fields, including professor of Korean history Seol Min-seok; author of 『President’s Writing』 and former speech secretary at the Office of Presidential Secretaries of Cheongwadae Kang Won-guk; and traditional Korean dress (Hanbok) designer Lee Hyo-jae. The group has worked to build public understanding of national defense policies through a variety of activities, including directly checking the site of barracks influenced by the Defense Reform 2.0 initiative and attending meetings dealing with pending defense issues.

Arriving at the meeting late on Tuesday due to a scheduling issue, Minister Jeong said in greetings read by Vice Minister Park: “Maintaining a watertight military readiness posture, our military is taking its role and responsibility seriously in the area of "human security," and reacting to any factors threatening the lives and safety of the people, including infectious diseases like COVID-19, disasters, and environmental issues. I expect the public communications experts group will be a reliable supporter so that our military can fulfill its duties by building the firm trust of the people, while achieving further results through its commitment, devotion, and sacrifice.” He also stressed that the military would do its best to realize a "strong national defense to build peace with the people," while continuing to actively communicate with the public communications experts so that their valuable opinions could be reflected in national defense policies.

By Su-Yeol, Maeng < >
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