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Republic of Korea's Army rushes into Chungmu Drill to establish a strong national security basis

Republic of Korea's Army rushes into Chungmu Drill to establish a strong national security basis

Republic of Korea's army has rushed into its Chungmu Drill for the first half of 2017. On June 19, the Ministry of National Defense announced that the military would participate in the drill, which begins today and continues to June 22, in the three regions of the city of Sejong, Daejeon Metropolitan City, and Chungnam province, under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Safety and Security. The Ministry added that the drill in the Chungnam region would be made more effective by carrying it out jointly with the 32nd Army Corps' BCTP drill.


Chungmu Drill is a comprehensive regional emergency preparedness drill that is carried out in each city and province every three years in the first and second half of the year. The drill aims to establish comprehensive national security through a focused effort from the public, the government, and the military.


The Ministry of National Defense plans to check the emergency preparedness plan and perform situational actions, an actual mobilization drill on national defense resources (technical manpower·vehicles·construction machines·information and communications), and a damage restoration drill on national infrastructures.


In addition, a transfer and take-over drill on the national defense mobilization resources will be carried out for 51 armed forces in an appropriate region, and an unexpected military force mobilization drill and an actual information and communications makeshift drill will be also conducted according to plan. While the drills are being carried out, mobilization planning officers will be organized and operated as 21 chief observation officers in order to check the readiness condition for a changeover to wartime, including taking over human and physical resources to add and create corps in wartime.

By Yeong-Sun, Lee < >

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