About MND

Mission & Vision



National Defense Aims
1. Defend the nation from foreign military threats and invasions
2. Support peaceful unification
3. Contribute to regional stability and global peace
National Defense Vision
“Building an elite and advanced strong force”
Mission of Minister of National Defense
1. Advise the President on controlling the ROK Armed Forces
2. Manage works regarding military administration and military law
3. Command and supervise the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff and subordinate units

Defense Policy Direction

  • Establish firm national defense readiness
  • Strengthen future-oriented independent national defense capabilities
  • Develop the ROK-US Alliance and strengthen diplomatic cooperation in the field of national defense
  • Contribute to the Korean Peninsula Trust Process by fostering military trust
  • Innovative national defense management and invigorating the defense industry
  • Foster appropriate environment for instilling pride and value in military service
  • Pursue national defense policy respectful of the ROK citizens