News Zone

Press Release

Deployment of US strategic bombers (B-52H) over the Korean penin...

Deployment of US strategic bombers (B-52H) over the Korean peninsula
Fighters of Korea and the US (US F-22 and ROK F-35/F-15K) staged combined air drills

On December 20, Korea and the United States conducted combined air force exercises with US strategic bombers (B-52H) being deployed near the Korean peninsula. The drills took place in Korea’s Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ) over the southwest coast of Jeju Island and involved US F-22 and ROK F-35 and F-15K fighters.

The deployment of US strategic bombers (B-52H) and F-22 stealth fighters is in accordance with the November 3 agreement between the defense ministers of Korea and the US at the 54th Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) to increase the frequency and intensity of US strategic asset deployments to the Korean peninsula in a timely and coordinated manner as part of efforts to strengthen the US extended deterrence.

Both countries will continue strengthen capabilities and the joint defense posture of the alliance, including the US extended deterrence, and further consolidate ROK-US joint defense posture in the face of nuclear and missile threats from North Korea.


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)