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Overcome the blazing sun and sandstorms of the desert
The Arc unit completed the 1st combined training with the UAE army,
emphasizing the tactics of both armies and sharing strong comradeship
The UAE military training cooperation group, the Arc unit, has completed the first Korea-UAE combined training, conducted from May 31 to June 11, successfully.
This combined training was named ‘Desert Scorpion’ and focused on the training support and the cultivation of the combined training planning ability of the UAE army. Isolation area action for the first week and comprehensive tactical Field Training Exercise(FTX) for the second week proceeded intensively.
The unit acquired proficiency in perfect combined training capability such as air infiltration under extreme desert environments, counter-terrorism marksmanship, helicopter boarding and exit, and HALO (High Altitude Low Opening).
Commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Ko Il-young, said, “This combined training opened up opportunities for showing off the skills we have mastered and for friendly relations and harmony between the Korean and UAE armies. Beyond the skin color and language, I could feel strong comradeship as my fellow soldiers have the same goal.”
“It was the most intensive and actual fighting-like training ever. I’ve realized what a true soldier is by seeing the Korean army and feeling their strong physical and mental strength,” said Major Mohamed, a commander of the UAE special forces.

By Ah-Mi, Cho < >
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